Maratopia (a novel) Cover, Book, Editorial, LetteringInk Bad CompanyNovember 16, 2022Ink Bad Company, Cover, Artwork, Book, Editorial, EC comics, Comic, Illustration, Lettering, Drawing, Old School, HorrorComment
Forbes Magazine, #86 Illustration, Editorial, MagazineInk Bad CompanyJuly 12, 2021Ink Bad Company, Forbes, Magazine, Editorial, Economy, illustration, Drawing, Cartoon, Tattoo, Traditional, Flash, Old School, Chinese Dragon, Uncle SamComment
Forbes Magazine Read More Illustration, Editorial, MagazineInk Bad CompanyDecember 7, 2019Ink Bad Company, Forbes, Magazine, Editorial, Illustration, Drawing, Cartoon, Old School, Texture Comments
The Washington Post Magazine Illustration, Editorial, Lettering, MagazineInk Bad CompanyNovember 6, 2019ink bad company, The Washington Post, magazine, Editorial, Illustration, Drawing, Cartoon, Lettering, Old School, Lowbrow